Thursday, July 8, 2010


Proof that there's something very wrong going on when ...
  • colorblind, post-racial, self-perceived liberalism shuts out necessary productive, pragmatic, and progressive discussion on race relations and justice.
  • celebrities & the elite believe and get treated like they're above the law.
  • bougie white boys can't get jobs, meaning the rest of us are really screwed.
  • the World Cup becomes the Euro Cup.
  • cops have a God complex on top of their already bulging ego.
  • a convicted murderer gets charged with involuntary manslaughter and only gets 5 years in jail.
... this list doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.

Now, all of this is extremely disgusting and disappointing ... but in my classic cynicism, doesn't come as a complete surprise. It's just kind of a slap in the face that all of the above have materialized in the past day/week/month/year. That's not so easy on the nerves.

"And true, sometimes it seems that anger alone keeps me alive; it burns with a bright and undiminished flame. Yet anger, like guilt, is an incomplete form of human knowledge. More useful than hatred, but still limited. Anger is useful to help clarify our differences, but in the long run, strength that is bred by anger alone is a blind force which cannot create the future. It can only demolish the past. Such strength does not focus on what lies ahead, but upon what lies behind, upon what created it – hatred. And hatred is a deathwish for the hated, not a lifewish for anything else." - Audre Lorde

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