Thursday, May 20, 2010


I've always had an appreciation for art, but especially for art formed by the people, for the people.
Now, I talk about the lovely Janelle Monáe a lot, not just because she's extremely talented, but because she is at the front lines of a Renaissance in 21st century music. Her latest album The ArchAndroid is a mindblowing, danceable, thought-provoking fusion of hip-hop, R&B, soul, rap, funk, rock, and the sweet sounds of the future.

In a recent interview with BET's 106 & Park, she described the overarching meaning behind The ArchAndroid. She says,
The ArchAndroid. I speak about androids because I feel that the android represents The Other, and I feel that sometimes, like I'm The Other. At one point in all of our lives I think we've all felt that, whether we're part of a minority or the majority. So The ArchAndroid is very similar to the archangel or Neo from The Matrix - the mediator between the haves and the have-nots, the oppressed and the oppressor, and so that's where the name comes from.
Watch the rest of the interview here and another one here.


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