Friday, January 1, 2010


It's 2010, what up!

I can't believe a decade has gone by so quickly! I can't believe I was only 10 years old last decade! I can't believe all the hype and fear and superstition that surrounded the coming of Y2K! But I do believe that 2010 is gonna be a very good year indeed ...

My fam and I just got back from New York before the Times Square New Year's Eve craze. Last night we were invited to a Vegan Potluck party at my friend's house. Being non-vegan food lovers (meat! cheese! eggs!) we were kind of freaking out and worried that we wouldn't be able to make anything. We settled on cashew curry & coconut rice. If I do say so myself, It was pretty successful! The whole potluck was delicious! (Especially the desserts.) It was a pleasant & different (not to mention, healthy) way to ring in the new year, the new decade. Although I don't think I could ever go strictly vegan, I will resolve to be more vegan-conscious, I suppose. Open my mind to the diversity and variety of vegan foods. (How very Cambridge of me.)

As part of my resolutions (well, I suppose they're more like goals), I'm pushing myself to do more writing, especially to keep up this "blog". We'll see how this goes!


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