Thursday, August 13, 2009


I just saw Julie & Julia a few days ago, which is partly to blame for motivating me to start this blog?
I mean, I guess I have a "blog" over at tumblr, but does that really count? I use it to collect & post photos, pictures, videos, quotes, lyrics, websites, etc. that I find amusing/interesting/pretty/cool/funny. I have a twitter, I really don't know why. I keep a stream-of-conscious journal from time to time. I have a flickr for my own photographs. So, I guess this blog completes the circle. I'm not really sure what direction it will go in or who will read it, but it's a place to discuss what's going on out there and in here. With that ... sit back, relax, enjoy?


  1. Hi! I would suggest to choose a medium and use it to talk about things that you;re really passionate about. the rest (people who enjoy your work) will come.

  2. Martini, thanks for the advice! P.S. I love your blog!
